Pizza Orgasmica

Yes, there are pizza parlors in San Francisco called Pizza Orgasmica. Yes, these are located in the heart of the Financial District and Downtown SF, where all the major financial institutions and corporations are located. Yes, the pizza there is amazing. Welcome to the City by the Bay, folks!

The pizza parlor itself was pretty low-key, located in one of the Embarcadero Centers close to the Bay Bridge and the water. A friend and I ordered a medium pizza of the same name, their signature Orgasmica with pepperoni, salami, sausage, mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers. The trifecta of meat really hit the spot, with the salami adding some distinct flavor and the onions and peppers complementing the oily goodness extremely well. No free-range, locally-sourced, and/or organic offerings here, just good old-fashioned tasty pizza.

It’s a bit on the pricey side, but they don’t skimp on ingredients or taste, so it’s definitely money well spent in a chill location with co-workers and friends. Plus they have TVs and draft beer that are sure to be a hit during the big game days!

Good ol’ pizza at
List of 100 amazing dishes around Berkeley at The Food Spotlight 100!

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