Half & Half Tea House

A little back story about my quest to try the most elusive and hyped boba milk tea since boba’s introduction in California over ten years ago. I’d visited Half & Half at least four times in the past year, and left empty-handed because the place was either closed or there were simply too many people. Friends who have tried the drinks there have sworn on their amazing-ness. I was definitely intrigued, and I finally had the chance to try the place out this winter.

Half & Half is a tea house, serving varying combinations of milk tea, boba, and any other tea-related drinks in signature fat cups. Lines are usually out the door, and I’ve heard of wait times of two hours or more. What was causing all this interest? Determined to find out, I ordered their almond milk tea with caramel, honey boba, and jelly.

Worth the hype? I’d say it was pretty good, but definitely not waiting more than 25 minutes for. It’s on the sweeter side, very rich, and the boba and jelly were fresh. I tasted a lot more milk than tea. Definitely the perfect “dessert” boba, but in the wider scheme of things, there is better boba milk tea out there – Ten Ren and other tea stations come to mind.

I’d try it again, and I do agree that Half & Half is good. It’s definitely over-hyped, and there are better-quality tea stations in the area, but you can’t go wrong if you want a sugary and delicious drink after a good meal.

Tea or milk at www.thefoodspotlight.com.

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