Sheng Kee Bakery

It’s very natural for me to draw parallels between SoCal and NorCal eateries, since the former is my birthplace and the latter my adopted home. This especially rings true with Asian food, which is huge in certain parts of the LA area as well as the Bay Area. Sheng Kee Bakery to me is the …

Meow Meow Cafe

SoCal is the land of good boba – from the fabled Half & Half to the classics Lollicup and Tapex to the tea house Ten Ren, the LA area is brimming with delectable milk and tea drinks. Meow Meow Cafe is a local favorite in my hometown. Located next to Nogales High School, this place …

Half & Half Tea House

A little back story about my quest to try the most elusive and hyped boba milk tea since boba’s introduction in California over ten years ago. I’d visited Half & Half at least four times in the past year, and left empty-handed because the place was either closed or there were simply too many people. …