KC’s Bar-B-Que

I’d like to share a hidden gem of a restaurant in Berkeley. It’s located a bit further west, on San Pablo Ave, but it’s definitely bus-able and would be well worth your time to try at least once. Good meat is a special treat, after all – especially when served in heaping portions and slathered …

Smoke Berkeley

It all started when my car ran out of gas on my way back from work today. I could have sworn it was good to go for another 10 miles or so… So while I was stranded on Dwight near San Pablo Avenue and waiting for my wonderful roommate James to drive by with a …

Papa’s Smokehouse & BBQ

On the third day of the epic second weekend of Coachella 2012, my roommates and I decided to try out a good restaurant around the area for Jay’s birthday lunch. We found out about Papa’s Smokehouse & BBQ, heard about the excellent reviews, and decided to give the place a shot. Upon entering, we were …

T-Rex Barbeque

I like meat. Juicy, tasty, cooked-to-perfection meat makes me happy. Slather on some BBQ sauce, and you’ve just seized my (and my stomach’s) undivided attention. Of the three BBQ places I’ve tried at Berkeley, T-Rex Barbeque on 10th Street (near Gilman) is the nicest location, with clean, modern interior and exterior designs, plus good food …

BBQ Town

Over the weekend, I stopped by the San Jose area just as lunchtime hit, at a Korean plaza called Lawrence Plaza. There was a food court inside, and every single restaurant in that food court (including the sushi one) was Korean.